Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mike Bloomberg was listed with five telephone numbers in Epstein's little black book.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Xhaxahka File A Wannabe Movie Featuring Jeffrey Epstein

Friday, May 10, 2019

Viernes 10 de mayo de 2019

Parte de mi intercambio con lectores de Caracas Chronicles que apoyan la falsa "presidencia" de Juan Guaido en Venezuela.

Soy dolorosamente consciente de lo insostenible que es para el 80% de las personas que viven en Venezuela.También soy consciente de que la diapositiva comenzó a fines de 2012 o 2013, que precede a las sanciones, pero en realidad no es anterior a lo que podría llamarse la Guerra Económica.Por supuesto, en mi opinión, considero que el gobierno y toda la clase política en Venezuela son responsables de la corrupción y no de combatirla seriamente y de otras políticas erróneas, pero todo esto está en el contexto de la dependencia en la venta de petróleo y gas natural a los Estados Unidos. .
Al parecer, Hugo Chávez, Rafael Ramírez y quienquiera que estuviera en las decisiones sobre PDVSA en ese entonces se adhirieron a la teoría del "pico del petróleo", que estaba de moda entre algunos círculos de izquierdas y ambientalistas.
Esta debe haber sido la razón por la que decidieron enfatizar el desarrollo de los campos petroleros más caros para explotar, en detrimento de los menos costosos en un Zulia alrededor del lago Maracaibo.Además, no parecieron darse cuenta o no estaban recibiendo informes de los consulados en los Estados Unidos sobre los esfuerzos para reducir la dependencia de los productos petrolíferos importados. La crisis financiera que se rompió en 2008 fue un revés, al igual que el colapso de los precios del petróleo en el momento del asesinato de Hugo Chávez. Estas actividades en los Estados Unidos fueron en parte guerra económica contra Venezuela, Irán, Rusia y los Estados del Golfo y se enmarcaron como tales.

También el hecho de que Estados Unidos apoyó el golpe de Estado de 2002 y la huelga petrolera que siguió fue una señal para los posibles inversionistas que limitaron las oportunidades de Venezuela.

Leí en Aporrea hace algún tiempo, según Elias Jaua, que al principio de su presidencia, Chávez y sus asesores decidieron no atacar frontalmente a los cuadros de AD / Copei, con su notoria corrupción anidada en posiciones de administración estatal / gubernamental. Y así, estos enemigos y su cultura injusta prosperaron.

Entonces, al sobreestimar el futuro de los precios del petróleo en lugar de construir un Fondo Soberano como el de Noruega y Arabia Saudita, han acumulado deuda externa.

Luego está este tambor que nunca me canso de tocar:
Regalar dólares baratos hasta el punto en que el país se encontraba seriamente retenido, sin una auditoría y control aparentes para garantizar que esos dólares se gastaran de acuerdo con la política estatal que consistía en poner a disposición alimentos, medicamentos e insumos de bajo costo necesarios para la agricultura y la industria. Fue un movimiento terrible que vacilo en caracterizar. El reciente enjuiciamiento en Florida de personas que se hicieron obscenamente ricas debido a las conexiones con Hugo Chávez apunta, en mi opinión, al mal juicio en la selección de amigos y personas designadas.

Nada de esto podría justificar o posiblemente atacar la infraestructura eléctrica de Venezuela, que es un crimen contra la humanidad y que ninguno de ustedes ha negado.

Caracas Chronicles y Quico Toro nunca han respondido a mis comentarios anteriores en su sitio web con respecto al estudio de Marea Socialista. Esto apunta a un cierto conocimiento culpable.

Una vez más, es solo mi opinión, pero creo que las propuestas de Marea Socialista con respecto a la auditoría del sistema de cambio del dólar y la deuda externa a las que deben seguir los esfuerzos para recuperar el dinero robado fueron acertadas, pero se queda corto en todas partes.
¡En este punto podemos estar hablando de medio trillón de dólares o más!
Este es el tipo de dinero que podría cambiar un montón de vidas, ¿no crees?Y se esconde en los Estados Unidos, las Islas Caimán, Panamá y otros lugares que sirven como paraísos de evasión de impuestos. Deben realizarse esfuerzos legales para recuperar esta suma gigantesca, ¿no le parece? (No importa quién esté a cargo). Incluso recuperar el 10% significaría 50 mil millones de dólares que no tienen que pagarse con intereses. No puedo entender por mi vida por qué esto no es una prioridad.
#sanctionskill un estimado de 40,000 de sus compatriotas. ¡Por el amor de Dios!¡SUFICIENTE!

Sin comentarios:

Original English text:
Part of my exchange with readers of Caracas Chronicles who support the fake Juan Guaido "presidency" in Venezuela.
 Contribute a better translation
Part of my exchange with readers of Caracas Chronicles who support the fake Juan Guaido "presidency" in Venezuela.

I am painfully aware of how untenable for around 80% of the people the situation in Venezuela is. I also am aware that the slide began in late 2012 or 2013 which predates sanctions but really does not predate what could be called the Economic War. Of course in my mind I hold the government and the whole political class in Venezuela responsible for corruption and not seriously combating it and various other wrong headed policies but all of this is against the backdrop of dependency on selling petroleum and natural gas to the United States.
Apparently Hugo Chavez, Rafael Ramirez and whoever else was in on decisions about PDVSA back then bought in on the theory of "Peak Oil" which was all the rage among some left-wing circles and environmentalists.
This must have been the reason why they decided to emphasize development of the most expensive to exploit oil fields to the relative neglect of the least expensive in an around Lake Maracaibo Zulia. Also they didn't seem to notice or they were not getting reports from consulates in the United States on efforts to cut dependency on imported petroleum products. The financial crisis that broke in 2008 was a setback as was the collapse of oil prices around the time of the murder of Hugo Chavez. These activities in the United States were in part Economic Warfare against Venezuela, Iran, Russia and the Gulf States and they were framed as such.

Also the fact that the United States backed the coup of 2002 and the oil strike that followed would be a signal to potential investors that limited Venezuela's opportunities.

I read in Aporrea some time ago as per Elias Jaua that early in his presidency Chavez and his advisors decided not to frontally attack the AD/Copei cadres, with their notorious corruption nested in state/government management positions. And so these enemies and their invidious culture thrived.

So by overestimating the future of oil prices instead of building up a Sovereign Fund such as Norway and Saudi Arabia have they built up foreign debt.

Then there is this drum I never get tired of banging on:
Giving away cheap dollars to the point where the country was seriously held back, with no apparent audit and control to ensure those dollars were spent according to State policy which was to make available low-cost food , medicine and inputs necessary for agriculture and industry Imo was a terrible move that I hesitate to characterize. Recent prosecution in Florida of individuals who became obscenely rich due to connections with Hugo Chavez point in my opinion to poor judgement in selecting friends and appointees.

None of this could ever or possibly justify attacking Venezuela's  electrical infrastructure which is a crime against humanity and which none of you have denied.

Caracas Chronicles and Quico Toro never have responded to my previous comments on their website regarding the study by Marea Socialista. This points to a certain guilty knowledge.

Again it's just my opinion but I think Marea Socialista's proposals regarding auditing the dollar exchange system and the foreign debt to be followed up by efforts to recuperate stolen monies was right on the nose but it gets short shrift everywhere.
At this point we may be talking about half trillion dollars or more!
This is the kind of money that could change a bunch of lives don't you think so? And it is stashed in the United States, Cayman Islands, Panama, and other places that serve as tax avoidance havens. Legal efforts to recuperate this gigantic sum should be undertaken don't you think so?( no matter who's in charge.) Even to recuperate 10% of it would mean 50 billion dollars that don't have to be repaid with interest. I can't understand for the life of me why this is not a priority.
#sanctionskill an estimated 40,000 of your compatriots. For the love of God! ENOUGH!

Monday, January 28, 2019 Keep up with the fast moving events in Venezuela.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

My father's father immigrated here around 105 years ago. We benefitted from oppression of Black people.

My father's father immigrated from Poland around 105 years ago.  He worked for years in a garment factory sleeping in the factory to save money to bring his family here.

That's a commonplace narrative one is likely to hear from whites who don't want to acknowledge that they're beneficiaries of oppression of Black people.  Let me fill in a few blank spaces in this narrative:

No Black people worked in the factory.  Black people mainly lived in the South, many working in cotton fields under abominable conditions. That's why there could be a garment factory in New York City to begin with.

Fast forward to WWII. My father in law told me a story about a union meeting of war industry workers in Delaware. It was a plant that made military vehicles and the union was United Auto Workers. Apparently a group of Black workers (Who predominantly had the worse jobs) decided that they would participate in a union meeting.

The local union President would not convene the meeting.  He said out loud and without a blush: "We'll begin our meeting as soon as the n-'xxx clear the hall." No white workers including my father in law (Who was a card carrying red) spoke out, let alone chase the sob off the dais.

That's some of what crossed my mind when I first saw this cartoon and I felt like it should be seen widely and discussed in the context I am raising here.